MyPortal - edit emergency contacts
Use this procedure to edit your emergency contact information.
Step 1
Click the My Emergency Contacts tile.
Step 2
Click the Edit button.
Employees who are not the leave approvers will not see a manager name displayed in the header below Organization Unit.
If a manager’s position is double filled, the manager name displayed on the header may not be an employee’s direct manager. Contact your manager or HR/Payroll office at for questions.
Step 3
Enter the following mandatory fields and click the Save button:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Telephone Number (e.g.: XXX XXXXXXX)
The following fields are optional:
- Country
- House Number And Street
- Address Line 2
- City
- ZIP Code
- State – (state options will be populated based on the country selection)
The following fields will default:
- Validity – From Date dropdown list option. This indicates your emergency contact will be effective from the date in the From field going forward.
- From – Next day’s date. This is the effective date of your emergency contact.
All Dates are in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Do not use your information from your browser cache to populate the address fields.
A “Record saved” message will confirm the Emergency Contact information has been saved and you will be returned to the Emergency Contact page.
The address update is effective the following day or can be dated for the future. No current day or retro dates allowed.
When entering an Emergency Contact address, select a Country first. This will ensure the State list displays USA states only. The Country field does not default to USA since an emergency contact could be outside the United States.
Once you select a country, you must enter all address fields. Do not select the information from the browser (if your browser has stored your information). You will see an error if any in the lower right corner of the page.
The Telephone No. field will accept formats other than (###)###-#### since emergency contact numbers could be outside the United States.
You may receive a system notification due to missing or incorrectly formatted fields. To view the system notifications list click on the message button on the bottom left corner of your form.